Dienstag, 24. November 2009

Maredo with pics and how to load a plate...

As promised I'm posting pics of my second Maredo visit. This time I knew better and loaded my salad plate to the fullest (you pay 4,50 or 4,95€, can't remember, for loading your plate as full as you can). I'm skilled thanks to our Mensa, have the same programm, with less salad choice and lower price. Below you see how my plate looked from above.
Doesn't look that much until you realize how high it was piled up. After taking several mouthfuls my plate looked like this:
And I didn't turn the plate or something. All of that hidden below... ok actually that was just my sides. Bf wondered if I would be able to finish the salad at all. A few minutes later came my lamb steaks, rare of course. They were tender and juicy, not as soft as the beef filet from last time, but quite good.
My bf, his bro and mom ordered a plate intended for 2. It's called Argentina-Plate and gives you 2 rump steaks (I believe), 2 spare ribs, 2 pieces of pork and chicken. The sides are wedges, fries, corn and grilled veggies. You'll get 3 kinds of sauces too (all for under 34€).
Even though I had quite some stuff on my own I got some bites from the mixed plate, just to know how it is... The spareribs stood out as the best, tender and nice flavor. The pork was surprinsingly tender as well (even the left-over pork that I baked again in our oven to warm it up was softer than what I usually make out of pork pieces... wow). The rump steak and the chicken were on the tough side though. The corn was overcooked for my taste, very, very soft and nothing like the corn I'm used to (cooked for 5-7min. in boiling water...). The potatoe sides were delicious, crispy and full of flavor.
Now to the final:
We had the mixed desserts (9,70€) with chocolate mousse on cake with cherry sauce (on the left), pancake filled with curd and raisins, topped with dulce de leche-caramel sauce (top middle); frozen caramel and chocolate cream topped with caramel-flakes (bottom middle), frozen orange sorbet (bottom right) and 2 scoops of ice cream (strawberry, walnut). Now the outstanding thing was the frozen caramel and chocolate cream (the brown thing that looks like a piece of cake in the middle). Delicious caramel and nuts flavor. Not to sweet, just so pleasant everyone was spooning at it in the end. The walnut ice cream was also great, full of flavor, melting in your mouth with some pieces of crunchy caramelized walnuts. The filled pancake wasn't so great as the filling didn't have much taste, the chocolate mousse had the kind of chocolate taste that I don't like and fruit ice cream is not my thing, but I think they're pretty good if you like fruity ice creams.
So the verdict this time: 9/10 again for overall (with last time included), even though the service this time wasn't as good. Had to wait for a waiter to come by whereas last time one would come before I even blink.
I'm giving the mixed plate a cumulated 8/10, the lamb 8.5/10, salad 8.5/10, mixed desserts 7.5/10 (the frozen cream cake piece would get a 9/10 on its own, same for the walnut ice cream).
So, go there even if you only want to eat mixed salads until you're full...
Oh, concerning loading your plate: I place solid things like noodle or potatoe salad on the bottom, then fill with some small pieced salad like corn or beans. Then comes a layer of more fluffy stuff like green salads, soy sprouts, then again some solid, bigger chunks (radish slices) to press the fluffy down, then finally top with things that might fit somewhere and won't slip off the layer below... the art of loading more than you can/should eat...

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