Mittwoch, 11. November 2009


Remember the last post about bad steak? Here comes another steak review, but this time a good one... last night bf and I went to Maredo@Opernring while he had an hour off. I was curious to see if their steaks were really good.
Besides steaks they also offer many other (mostly Argentina-inspired) dishes based on meat. In addition there is a nice selection of salads at the salad buffet where you can choose between loading your plate as full as you can once (4,50€) or all you can eat (6,70€). Right now they also offer the first option for 3€ if you get one of their beef steaks. Anyway, I got a beef filet menu with salad and potatoe wedges. I didn't load my plate since I thought I had the all you can eat actually until my bf wondered why I took so little... Oh well, I'll know it for next time. The salads are fresh, you have many different ones to choose from (noodle salad, yummy ^^; thuna, olives, eggs, cheese and all kinds of vegetables).
Then you get some soft baguette as side.
Soon after finishing the salads our steaks with sides came, pretty quick (perhaps because I had my steak rare ^^). I only took potatoe wedges as side since I wasn't too hungry. They came with a sourcream dip.
Now to the meat... I first cut a piece on the side, fearing it might be medium and it looked medium until I took a second cut/bite where nice red flesh was peeking out ^^. Sooo the first impression is good, and the second: whooaaa the meat is soo tender. Almost melts in your mouth (beef can be tough like leather if made wrong) and is very juicy. The only (minor) gripe, the outside wasn't crispy. I don't know if it can be crispy anyway as a rare steak, but my bf's well-done rump steak was crispy although it was tough in comparison to my filet. You trade in one for another I guess... oh well, look at the blood :D sorry for the bad pic lighting, but I don't use flash in order to avoid shocking other guests lol-Before I forget: the wedges were nice tasting, the sourcream too, but I prefer some kind of garlic mayonnaise for wedges. Shoud try the garlic dip next time (they offer a nice variety of sauces too). In summary I'll give Maredo 9/10 this time, will definitely go there again since the food is great, the service is attentive, nice and quick and we got 15% coupons... and I still have to try a dessert with dulce de leche. The prices are a bit steep, comparable to Aston's, but better quality. Since I still have the receipt I'll list down for you:
- Bionade Litschi 2,70€
- Beef filet steak 180g including salad bar once and wedges 17,90€ (this is a promotion price, you usually pay 18,90€ for the filet alone)
- Beef rump steak 250g 14,90€
- Potatoe wedges 2,70€
- Garlic bread 1,55€ (2 pieces)

Until next time...

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